music fan - translation to ολλανδικά
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Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να λάβετε μια λεπτομερή ανάλυση μιας λέξης ή μιας φράσης, η οποία δημιουργήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας το ChatGPT, την καλύτερη τεχνολογία τεχνητής νοημοσύνης μέχρι σήμερα:

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  • χρησιμοποιείται πιο συχνά στον προφορικό ή γραπτό λόγο
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  • ετυμολογία

music fan - translation to ολλανδικά

Fanboy; Aficionado; Fanatics (aficionado); Fangirl; Fangirls; Fanboi; Aficianado; Fan (enthusiast); Fanboyism; Sports fan; The Fans; Fan (aficionado); Adoring fan; Fanboys; FANGIRL; Aficionados; Fan boi; Stan (fan); Fanboy/fangirl; Fanery (fanboy/fangirl); Fanery (fanboy/fangir); Music fan; Fangirling
  • possibly maybe]]", which is the title of a song by [[Björk]].
  • Oslo, Norway]] on 30 May 2012.
  • Representation of a hockey fan
  • [[Fenerbahçe S.K.]] club fan mother with child and pet
  • A [[cowboy pop]] fan shows off a rare CD at a [[music festival]]
  • 2004 European Championship]]
  • Fans at a recital in [[Buenos Aires]], [[Argentina]]
  • Shea Stadium filled with fans prior to the start of a [[New York Mets]] game in 2008. The stadium had the best attendance in the [[National League]] that year, garnering over 53,000 fans per game on average.
  • ''[[Star Trek]]'' fans cosplaying at Atlanta Dragon Con 2010.
  • [[Tobey Maguire]] greets fans at ''[[Spider-Man 3]]'' premiere
  • Young [[1. FC Union Berlin]] supporter

music fan         
liefhebber van muziek
sports fan         
sportfan (iemand die van sport houdt en van het kijken naar sport houdt)
electric fan         
  • Ceiling fan with a lamp
  • Cross-section of a cross-flow fan, from the 1893 patent. The rotation is clockwise. The stream guide ''F'' is usually not present in modern implementations.
  • An axial box fan for cooling electrical equipment
  • low and high bypass jet engines]], seen here on a [[Boeing 777]].
  • [[Patent drawing]] for a ''Fan Moved by Mechanism'', November 27, 1830
  • A table fan
  • Cross-flow fan
  • Two c. 1980 box fans
  • Building heating and cooling systems commonly use a squirrel cage fan driven by a belt from a separate electric motor.
  • An open-face supermarket freezer with an air curtain. Cooling air circulates across the food through the dark slot seen at the rear of the freezer, and through another grille not visible along the front.
Electric fans; Electric fan; Cooling fan; Axial fan; Box Fan; Fan (device); Cooling fans; Dry air cooler; Ventilating fan; Extractor fan; Fan (mechanical); Rotary fan; Axial fans; Blade-less fan; Mechanical fans; Oscillating fan; Table fan; Fanan; Cross-flow fan; Mechanical fan; Jet fan; Box fan; Pedestal fan; Tangential fan; Household fan; Extract fan; Fan noise
n. elektrische ventilator


If someone is an aficionado of something, they like it and know a lot about it.
I happen to be an aficionado of the opera, and I love art museums...
...a jazz aficionado.
N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n


Fan (person)

A fan or fanatic, sometimes also termed an aficionado or enthusiast, is a person who exhibits strong interest or admiration for something or somebody, such as a celebrity, a sport, a sports team, a genre, a politician, a book, a movie, a video game or an entertainer. Collectively, the fans of a particular object or person constitute its fanbase or fandom. They may show their enthusiasm in a variety of ways, such as by promoting the object of their interest, being members of a related fan club, holding or participating in fan conventions or writing fan mail. They may also engage in creative activities ("fan labor") such as creating fanzines, writing fan fiction, making memes or drawing fan art.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για music fan
1. Quaffing ale in the sun, one music fan said÷ "It‘s a chilled–out atmosphere.
2. Minchonak, the rock–music fan, says he was one of the few journalists interviewing the protesters for a Belarussian audience.
3. It may be the only time the modern music fan is required to put any effort in at all.
4. People interested in teaching or learning music in Jeddah have invented ways to network with one another, said music fan Ali Salem, 30.
5. Hardcore: Ibrahim on Myspace A terror suspect who dresses in Muslim robes was once a spikyhaired hardcore music fan with a pierced eyebrow.